I am unable to access a certain site or app while connected to Hotspot Shield. Is there anything I can do to fix this?

If you are having issues accessing certain sites or apps when using Hotspot Shield, please follow the guide below for troubleshooting steps, but before doing so we want to make sure you can verify the following information:

  • Verify that your IP address when connected to Hotspot Shield is the proper country you had selected on the application. You can locate your IP address here.
  • Your internet connection is fast enough to stream video. (Streaming Services requires a 3 Mbps connection for one standard-quality stream and 5 Mbps for one high-definition stream.)
  • You have the latest version of the app (some older versions will have trouble connecting to our new servers.)
  • Turn off location services if you are using the mobile version. 
    • For iOS please visit this guide.
    • For Android click here.

Please also note that these steps include clearing your cache. Browsers may sometimes mismanage the amount of cache stored. This can slow down your browsing, websites may load slower or appear as they are not supposed to. Also, a cache may also contain private data, so it's better to store less of it. This also includes any app data for your mobile devices. 

With the above verified we can proceed with troubleshooting steps. Please follow the steps below for the appropriate devices.

All Browsers (Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer):

  1. Disconnect Hotspot Shield and proceed to clear the cache on your browser. To clear the cache please follow this guide.
    • Please note that you do not go back to the site or app without Hotspot Shield turned on. This will ensure that your real IP address will not be saved. 
  2. Reconnect Hotspot Shield to the desired Virtual location and start viewing.
  3. If steps 1-2 did not work please disconnect Hotspot Shield, clear your browser's cache again and reconnect Hotspot Shield but this time connect to a different location or city.
    • Ex. If you are trying to access US content please connect to a US city and retest. 
  4. Lastly, if none of the steps above worked at all please try accessing the site with a different browser (Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer) and do steps 1-2 again.

Apps for mobile devices:

  1. Close Hotspot Shield and the app you are trying to access completely. 
    • Android devices please follow these steps to restart the app. 
    • For iOS use this guide to restart the app. 
  2. After closing both apps, please proceed to clear your cache app data.
    • For iOS to clear your app data please follow this guide
    • For Android to clear your app data please follow this guide
  3. Turn Hotspot Shield back on and connect to the desired virtual location. Re-open your desired app and retest the issue.
  4. If steps 1-3 did not work please try disconnecting Hotspot Shield, clear your apps data again, and reconnect to Hotspot Shield but this time select a city or another Virtual location. 
    • Ex. If you are trying to access US content please connect to a US city and retest.